
Covid vaccines required to travel ‘for ever more’, Grant Shapps says

Covid vaccines required to travel ‘for ever more’, Grant Shapps says

– 5 August • 5 minute read

This is ominous – the net is tightening. This would never be possible if most people had never complied and given in to the coercion.

Netflix US cast and crew must be vaccinated to work

Netflix US cast and crew must be vaccinated to work

– 27 July • < 1 minute read

Separately it was reported by USA Today in a passage that was later scrubbed from an article: “NBC News, citing unnamed officials aware of the decision, reported it comes after new data suggests vaccinated individuals could have higher levels of virus and infect others amid the surge of cases driven by the delta variant of the coronavirus”

A fall in death rates doesn’t prove Covid-19 isn’t killing anyone

A fall in death rates doesn’t prove Covid-19 isn’t killing anyone

– 20 July • < 1 minute read

From the fact checkers! Fingers crossed they won’t also fact check this post / themselves: “Firstly, it’s true that death rates are lower than previous years, at least in England and Wales. To measure this we can use the age-standardised mortality rate which is the number of deaths per 100,000 people, adjusted to even out […]

France Covid - Vaccinations mandatory for all health workers

France Covid: Vaccinations mandatory for all health workers

– 14 July • < 1 minute read

We really need to stop this happening in the UK – this is the definition of medical tyranny and is completely unethical and unlawful.

Covid19 – the final nail in coffin of medical research

Covid19 – the final nail in coffin of medical research

– 26 June • < 1 minute read

An important article to consider from a Scottish GP and medical science author. Some extracts quoted here: