
A fall in death rates doesn’t prove Covid-19 isn’t killing anyone

A fall in death rates doesn’t prove Covid-19 isn’t killing anyone

– 20 July • < 1 minute read

From the fact checkers! Fingers crossed they won’t also fact check this post / themselves: “Firstly, it’s true that death rates are lower than previous years, at least in England and Wales. To measure this we can use the age-standardised mortality rate which is the number of deaths per 100,000 people, adjusted to even out […]

France Covid - Vaccinations mandatory for all health workers

France Covid: Vaccinations mandatory for all health workers

– 14 July • < 1 minute read

We really need to stop this happening in the UK – this is the definition of medical tyranny and is completely unethical and unlawful.

Covid19 – the final nail in coffin of medical research

Covid19 – the final nail in coffin of medical research

– 26 June • < 1 minute read

An important article to consider from a Scottish GP and medical science author. Some extracts quoted here: