
An opinion piece from a vaccinated Australian writer

– 17 June • 3 minute read

I saw this on a WhatsApp group I’m a member of and then shared it this morning on my Facebook account. It was instantly taken down and I received a message stating “Your post goes against our Community Standards on misinformation that could cause physical harm”. This level of censorship is incredibly concerning. Please read […]

Defending Union Members From Vaccine Mandates

– 3 February • 3 minute read

Please see below a copy of an email that was sent to our local MP for Mid Sussex Mims Davies at the end of January. Dear Mims I hope you are well. It is great news that the government has finally backed down from the ill-conceived (to put it politely) plan to try and mandate […]

A parent’ s complete guide to… face mask exemptions at school and how your child is eligible

– 21 January • 8 minute read

Introduction On 2nd January 2022, the BBC reported that pupils in England’s secondary schools would be required to wear face masks again. Allegedly, this mandate will reduce the spread of the Omicron variant of Covid-19. This just goes to show that the shambles that is our Government believes children are virus-hoarding superspreaders which is completely […]

Plan B, Vaccines & Vaccine Certification

– 13 December • 6 minute read

Dear Miss Davies, I write in regards to the announcements in the last 24 hours with the Government executing “Plan B” and my concerns with the additional measures being put in place. As your constituent, I’m following very carefully the direction in which you and other Members of Parliament are supporting the recent changes, and […]

We’ve been fooled – two jabs won’t buy you a holiday after all

We’ve been fooled – two jabs won’t buy you a holiday after all

– 31 August • 4 minute read

Turning the tide in the MSM perhaps. This is exactly what myself and others warned would happen right from the start of this – the goal posts and the narrative will continuously shift to suit the agenda(s).

Girl being given a vaccine.

No Covid-19 vaccines for children

– 31 August • 2 minute read

Adults should protect the children – NOT the other way round. Covid-19 vaccines for children should not get emergency use authorisation. The benefits are minimal and the risks unknown. The risk of death or serious disease from Covid-19 to children is close to zero.

Health authorities are pushing booster shot extermination plans to hurry and kill the masses before they fully awaken to the covid scam

Health authorities are pushing booster shot extermination plans to hurry and kill the masses before they fully awaken to the covid scam

– 20 August • 3 minute read

(Natural News) For anyone paying attention, it’s abundantly obvious now that the entire covid “plandemic” scam is a global depopulation scheme to scare people into taking spike protein bioweapons shots (“vaccines”) that will kill them over time. What the globalists didn’t anticipate, however, is the rapid awakening to the truth that’s now spreading like wildfire […]

France’s long-time vaccine policy chief Covid policy is “completely stupid” and “unethical”

France’s long-time vaccine policy chief: Covid policy is “completely stupid” and “unethical”

– 18 August • < 1 minute read

A fascinating interview. Despite Professor Perronne’s extensive knowledge and experience of communicable diseases, vaccines and vaccine policy at national and governmental level in France, he was quickly censored for speaking out on the subject of Covid-19 vaccines, their claimed efficacy and their identifiable risks.

Covid vaccines required to travel ‘for ever more’, Grant Shapps says

Covid vaccines required to travel ‘for ever more’, Grant Shapps says

– 5 August • 5 minute read

This is ominous – the net is tightening. This would never be possible if most people had never complied and given in to the coercion.

Netflix US cast and crew must be vaccinated to work

Netflix US cast and crew must be vaccinated to work

– 27 July • < 1 minute read

Separately it was reported by USA Today in a passage that was later scrubbed from an article: “NBC News, citing unnamed officials aware of the decision, reported it comes after new data suggests vaccinated individuals could have higher levels of virus and infect others amid the surge of cases driven by the delta variant of the coronavirus”