A fall in death rates doesn’t prove Covid-19 isn’t killing anyone

– 20 July • < 1 minute read A fall in death rates doesn’t prove Covid-19 isn’t killing anyone

From the fact checkers! Fingers crossed they won’t also fact check this post / themselves:

“Firstly, it’s true that death rates are lower than previous years, at least in England and Wales.

To measure this we can use the age-standardised mortality rate which is the number of deaths per 100,000 people, adjusted to even out the changing age structure of the country over time.

As of May 2021, the rate is at its lowest since records began in 2001. Mortality rates have been broadly declining since 2001.”

Whichever way people want to spin the figures it is clear there is no deadly pandemic that anyone needs to be concerned about.

As for their statement that deaths this year are lower “owed in part to the vaccination programme” this seems to be contradicted by the government’s recent admission that 60% of hospital admissions are now people double jabbed.

A fall in death rates doesn’t prove Covid-19 isn’t killing anyone


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